Relaunch Decree and Super bonus: deductions up to 110%

With the Decreee Law no. 34/2020 (the so-called Relaunch Decree) and the subsequent enforcement measures the state has decided to push (even more) on the incentives for the redevelopment of existing real estate for the next months. Unlike previous incentive models, two elements are of most interest to users: the value of the deduction up to 110% of the amount of authorized expenses; the possibility of transforming the deduction into a direct invoice discount or a assignment to banks and/or financial intermediaries. There are many “stimuli” already provided for by the various “Home Bonuses” in force, which still regulate deductions from 50 to 85% referring to building renovation costs as well as for energy redevelopment. In addition to the existing discipline, the so-called SUPEBONUS have been introduced with the Relaunch Decree which will not only strengthen and further push the redevelopment projects and works, but will be able to ensure a deduction of considerable interest, equal to 110% of the costs incurred. As is the legislator’s intention, the main areas of intervention (leading interventions) on which the new Superbonus rules are applicable are: thermal insulation interventions of building envelopes, in particular of vertical, horizontal (roofs, floors) and inclined opaque surfaces; the replacement of winter air conditioning systems both for common buildings, by providing for centralized systems for heating and cooling, and in single-family and/or independent buildings; as well as for anti-seismic interventions the so-called Sismabonus, where for expenses from 1/7/20 until 31/12/21 the deduction is raised to 110%. As we said, to the interventions described above as “leading”, the legislator defines further additional interventions called “driven”, which allow you to enjoy the Superbonus concessions, if combined with at least one “leading” intervention. The Superbonus can therefore also be due for further (“leading”) interventions provided that they are carried out jointly with at least one of the thermal insulation interventions of the opaque surfaces or the replacement of winter air conditioning systems. Especially for: energy efficiency measures (Ecobonus); the installation of solar photovoltaic systems (the transfer of non-self-consumed energy to the GSE is mandatory); the installation of infrastructure for electric vehicle charging. The further element of greatest interest contained in the Relaunch Decree is the possibility for those who address the cost regulated therein to be able to opt, as an alternative to the direct deduction: for a contribution as a discount on the amounts due up to the value of the consideration itself by the supplier/company or; for the transfer of the tax credit corresponding to the deduction due to subjects, such as credit institutions and/or other financial intermediaries. The possibility of opting for the invoice discount or the assignment of credit (instead of deduction) does not only and exclusively concern the interventions to which the Superbonus applies but also those of a) recovery of the building stock, b) recovery of the facades (Facade Bonus) even if they do not fall within the facilitation of 110%. The beneficiaries of the new Super Bonus are a) Condominiums b) natural persons (outside the exercise of business activities, arts and professions), c) autonomous institutions for public housing (IACP), d) housing cooperatives of undivided ownership, e) non-profit organizations of social utility, f) amateur sports associations and clubs limited to only works intended for buildings or parts of buildings used as changing rooms. The period of validity and operation of the Super Bonus concerns, for all beneficiaries, the costs incurred from 1 July 2020 until 31 December 2021, with the exception of IACP where the validity is until 31 December 2022. One of the basic requirements for admitting the operation to be carried out to the Super Bonus is the improvement of at least two energy classes of the building, attested by the elaboration of A.P.E. before and after the operation. Icobit offers a wide range of products and solutions for renovation, maintenance and remediation of products containing cement-asbestos, as well as a vast and wide range of certified waterproofing solutions that are easy to apply and respectful of the environment. Check out the several versions of the Icoper line from the link or write an email to