is the heart of every project
Since our birth, almost half a century ago, we have paid the utmost attention to innovation processes and development.
Tradizione e innovazione
All’interno dei laboratori Icobit, il nostro team si impegna quotidianamente per progettare prodotti all’avanguardia, nel rispetto dell’ambiente e dei bisogni espressi da persone ed organizzazioni alle prese con l’impermeabilizzazione di edifici e strutture di ogni entità.
With great passion we transform the needs of the market into new products through which it is possible to improve the well-being of buildings and homes.

Edilizia Sostenibile
Una linea, una visione
The proof of our vision is contained within the design of the Icoper line: the original ready-to-use, single-component liquid waterproofing products, water-based, non-toxic, eco-compatible, resistant to UV rays, highly solar reflective, resistant to water stagnation and fibre-reinforced.