Da sempre orientiamo il cliente

Il nostro lavoro si incentra sui fabbisogni di persone ed aziende, sulle problematiche comuni riscontrate, sulle possibili soluzioni e sulla semplicità di azione. Le soluzioni arrivano sempre da problemi concreti.


L’individuazione e la comprensione del problema è il primo, fondamentale passaggio per ogni creazione Icobit.


The solution is the final product that our team manages to make available to the customer for his needs


Three necessary steps to never find ourselves unprepared

Identificare il Fabbisogno

We start our journey by examining common problems and the needs arising from them: the Icobit process is the result of the study of specific needs transformed into waterproofing solutions ideal for every need and for every time.

Investire in ricerca

Between the problem and the solution there is a fundamental step, the Icobit trademark: constant research on raw materials and the most innovative, effective and easy-to-use technologies usage.
Our team works daily to ensure that Icobit brand waterproofing solutions are synonymous with uniqueness and excellence.

Creare la formula vincente.

Why the winning solution?
Icobit products are the allies of companies, professionals and users called upon to carry out waterproofing interventions and works.
Each waterproofing system is designed to solve common problems and needs in different parts of the world, with specificities linked to its territory.
With Icobit, applications are within everyone’s reach!

Looking to the future taking care of every detail

La ricerca al centro di ogni progetto di sviluppo, fra tradizione e innovazione